Yossi Keshet

Contact Info


Prof. Joseph (Yossi) Keshet

Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 3200003, Israel

Office: Zisaple (new building), Room 720

Phone: ‭‭073-3787139‬‬

Email: E-mail

Short Bio & Research Interests


I am an Associate Professor at the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering. I am the director of the Speech, Language, and Deep Learning Lab and affiliated with the Signal and Image processing Lab (SIPL).

I am excited about human speech. Speech is one of the most trivial yet one of the most complex signals we know. It bears information that the speaker would like to convey as well as her identity and her emotional and medical state. My research interests are driven by my passion for understanding and quantifying speech. My research concerns both machine learning and the computational study of human speech and language. My work on speech and language concentrates on speech processing, automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker recognition, automating laboratory phonology, and pathological speech. My research on machine learning focuses on core machine learning and deep learning algorithms, specifically, that capture the structure of complex tasks, such as automatic speech recognition. But also – how to make them reliable and trustworthy.

I received my BSc and MSc from Tel Aviv University in 1994 and 2002, respectively, and PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2008. My advisor was Yoram Singer. I did my postdoc with Hynek Hermansky at IDIAP Research Institue at EPFL and I was an Assistant Research Professor at TTI and the University of Chicago. Before moving to the Technion I was Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University.

Full CV


Yossi Keshet

Prof. Joseph (Yossi) Keshet

Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 3200003, Israel

Office: Zisaple (new building), Room 720

Phone: ‭‭073-3787139‬‬

Email: E-mail