Current graduate students

Yosi Shrem
PhD Candicate
Yosi is interested in deep learning applications to speech processing. He works on accurate detection of phonetic parameters, such as Voice Onset Time (VOT) and formants. He is also interested in Speech Synthesis and Accent Convergence.

Yael Segal
PhD Candicate
Yael defined the term Speech Object that represent phonetic parameters, phoneme, words, or phrases. She borrows ideas from visual object detection algorithms to accurately localize, segment and detect such object in an input acoustic stream.

Bronya (Roni) Chernyak
PhD Candidate
Roni's work is focused on both the security of deep learning systems in general and of speech application in particular. She is also interested in unsupervised and self-supervised representation of the speech signal and its applications to automatic analysis of linguistic data.

Yehoshua Dissen
PhD Candidate
Shua's work is focused on unsupervised and self-supervised training algorithms for speech recognition and speaker verification and diarization.

Eyal Cohen
PhD Candidate
Eyal works on Speech Synthesis. He proposed state-of-the-art algorithm for speech time-space modification, that provides phenomenal quality in manipulating the speaking rate of a given recording.

Roi Benita
MSc Candidate
Roi works on Speech Synthesis with Diffusion Models. Specifically he is interested in making diffusion models work in a autoregressive way.
Tzeviya Sylvia Fuchs, Ph.D.
Gabi Shalev, Ph.D., Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon
Felix Kreuk, Ph.D. Research Engineer, Meta AI Research
Gal Lev Shalev, M.Sc., Research Scientist, GM Motors
Yossi Adi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hebrew University; Research Scientist at Meta AI Research and the hood behind Lucille Crew.
Yona Coscas, M.Sc., Director of Artificial Intelligence, Elbit Systems Ltd
Yaniv Sheena, M.Sc., Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Meta
Einat Naaman, M.Sc., Applied Researcher at General Motors
Stav Buchsbaum, M.Sc.
Amir Gottlieb, M.Sc., Data Scientist, Taboola
Danny Karmon, M.Sc., Principal Applied Research Manager, Microsoft